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Administrators can also log hours from the interactive schedule. The advantage of this method is that you don't have to enter the date and number of hours. All of that information is filled in for you based on the date and duration of the shift. See below to log hours from your list of assignments:

1. Go to: Assign >> From Scheduled (or Unscheduled) list.

2. Filter by Category, Activity and date.

3. Click on the ‘Hide/Show’ [+/-] button to the left of the activity name.

4. Select the volunteers you would like to log hours for (or check the ‘Select All’ box at the bottom of the list).

5. Go to the ‘Choose Bulk Action’ drop list and choose ‘Log Hours’ for the selected volunteers:

  • For unscheduled or seasonal activities, the date and number of hours will need to be added manually.

  • For scheduled activities the date and hours are pre-populated automatically based on the date and times for the shift (you can only edit these after they have been logged).

6. Click the [Log Hours] button.