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If you utilize the online application form, volunteer profiles will be automatically generated when the applicant submits their form. Volunteer profiles can also be added manually by an administrator.

Once a volunteer profile has been entered, organizations can decide the status and when they should automatically be accepted or started with the status of applicant. The following status options (and generalized definitions) are listed below:

Applicant – volunteers who have completed application form, but you haven’t looked at yet

In Process – volunteers who you have started to onboard, but there is still more work to do

Accepted – active volunteers (at least once per year)

Inactive (short term) – volunteers who may be unavailable for a short period of time (vacation, illness)

Inactive (long term) – volunteers who are unavailable for a longer period of time (leave of absence)

Archived – no longer volunteering and in all likelihood, not coming back (hours data, contact info, custom fields and qualifications remain in their profile). They will still be able to view a record of their log hours through (but nothing related to your org)

Removed – only logged hours and feedback remain in your system

There are also many functions that can be performed from within a volunteer profile including communicating directly with a volunteer, assigning them to shifts, viewing their individual schedule, tracking hours and more.