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Now that you have created your Activity Category – you can add your first activity.

1. Run your mouse over the green options icon and click New Activity.

2. Enter your Activity name.

3. Select the category from the list.

4. Select default for the application form.

5. Leave the “Active” box checked (activities not marked as active won’t be visible to volunteers and won’t appear on most of your admin screens).

6. Check the allow hours logging box if you want volunteers to be able to log their own hours.

7. Enter a pre-assigned description (information about the activity that will be seen by those who are thinking of signing up for a shift).

8. Enter a post-assigned description (detailed information for those assigned to the activity or one of its shifts).

9. Add Internal Notes or additional information about the activity that will only be visible to administrators.

10. Click the [Next] button.

11. Choose from five schedule options (Recurring, Disjointed, One Time, Seasonal or Unscheduled) by clicking on the options at the top of the schedule tab.

12. Enter the required information i.e. dates, shift start times, end times, etc.

13. Click the [Next] button.

14. Select which volunteers can see your Activity (if they can see it, they can sign up for it):

• Only volunteers who are signed up, assigned or on the backup list
• Visible to all volunteers who are: Only volunteers with the status you select (and optionally with the qualifications for the activity)
• Public: All of your volunteers can see the Activity (activities that require your volunteers to be “vetted” should probably not be set with “public” visibility)

15. Self-Scheduling: select if you would like to automatically assign volunteers when they sign up for the Activity (based on their status and qualifications). If this is not checked, administrators will need to manually assign volunteers who have ‘signed up’.

16. Select the auto lock option to prevent volunteers from signing up when a shift is full.

17. Enter the minimum number of people needed for the shift.

18. Enter the maximum number of people needed for the shift (this will trigger the auto-lock feature).

19. Indicate whether or not volunteers who have confirmed their assignment can withdraw from it or remove themselves.

20. Indicate whether you want to prevent people from signing up for a shift within a specified number of hours before it begins.

21. Click the [Save] button.